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Fueling your Wooshka

The performance and experience you get from your Wooshka relates directly to the type of fuel you select and the manner in which you use it. Many, if not most Wooshka users, combine fuels to achieve their preferred outcome and we’ve seen every combination of seasoned hardwoods, charcoal beads, briquettes, lump coal and even mesquite or oak smoker chips to bring out a desired flavour or a timely cook. And while we won’t be able to cover everything, here’s a brief overview of the fuels we recommend.


For the traditionalist, nothing is more classic than cooking or grilling with seasoned hardwood as your fuel source. Some people even flat refuse to use anything but and will swear that a good bed of redgum coals is the ultimate roasting source. But there’s one thing that is vital to remember when cooking with firewood: Burn only good quality, dried hardwood when cooking! Damp wood creates more smoke and less heat and is tough to manage. So always make sure that the wood you use has been well and truly seasoned.

With wood as your main fuel source, it’s also important to consider size – yes it does matter. Keeping a selection of double and triple-split firewood at hand  – basically stuff that is split down to 100mm in diameter – is the best way to significantly influence temperatures when cooking as well as when using your Wooshka as a fire pit.

And finally, never use treated woods (e.g.: construction scraps, etc…) when cooking. While these scraps may be plentiful in some instances, they can also be loaded with chemicals that do no one any good. So keep it safe and stick to the natural stuff.


Charcoal briquettes (or beads) are a great choice when you want to create a flame-free cooking experience at a consistent temperature for extended periods – a spit roast on the Wooshka Rotisserie is a great example. It’s even easier when you’ve got a Wooshka Bead Basket to evenly distribute the heat across your cook!

To get there, fill your bead basket with an even amount of briquettes and set aside. Light a fire in your Wooshka’s firebox and get it burning strong and evenly. Carefully place the Bead Basket in place and wait for the beads to turn white….Wooshka! Once they are fully consumed, put your spit roast over the coals. If cooking for more than 1 1/2 hours, we suggest adding another 12 briquettes for a consistent heat.

Charcoal Briquette ‘Pros’:

  • Briquettes maintain a consistent temperature for longer periods than charcoal.
  • Briquettes are generally more affordable than charcoal.

Charcoal Briquette ‘Cons’:

  • Briquettes can create quite a lot of residual ash.
  • There can be some chemical smell in some products.

Wooshka – a Kalora Pty Ltd Brand

Kalora Pty Ltd
ABN 54 142 881 141

58/62 Access Way,
Carrum Downs VIC 3201

(03) 8579 5905
[email protected]